Technical References


Assessment of microglial activity in an induced pluripotent stem-cell derived neural organoid on synthetic hydrogels to study neuroinflammation

Presented at: ISSCR 2023

Neural Organoids Incorporating Microglia for interrogation of Neural Inflammation

Presented at: SLAS 2023

Modeling Neuroinflammation with iPSC-derived microglia cultured on Synthetic Hydrogels

Presented at: SfN 2022

Advanced synthetic biomaterials that enable microphysiological systems

Presented at: MPS World Summit 2022

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Neural Organoids Incorporating Microglia of interrogation of Neural Inflammation

Presented at: ISSCR 2022

Chemically defined substrates in a ready-to-use format that promote differentiation, accelerated maturation and neurite extension of multiple neuronal subtypes for screening applications

Presented at: ISSCR 2022

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Neural Organoids Generated on Synthetic Hydrogels for Interrogation of Neural Inflammation and Toxicity

Presented at: ISSCR 2021, SfN 2021

Chemically defined substrates in a ready-to-use format that promote adhesion, neurite extension and long-term cultures for multiple induced pluripotent-derived neural subtypes

Presented at: ISSCR 2023

Modeling neuroinflammation induced by AB oligomers in cultured human iPSC-derived neural organoids on synthetic hydrogels

Presented at: SfN 2022

Chemically defined substrates in a ready to use format that promote differentiation, accelerated maturation and neurite extension of multiple neuronal subtypes for screening applications

Presented at: ISSCR 2021, SfN 2021

Validation of a screening platform for vascular toxicities utilizing synthetic substrates

Presented at: SOT 2019

Chemically defined substrates in a ready-to-use format that promote long-term cultures for iPSC-derived neural cell cultures

Presented at: SLAS 2023