Technical References
Assessment of microglial activity in an induced pluripotent stem-cell derived neural organoid on synthetic hydrogels to study neuroinflammation
Presented at: ISSCR 2023
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Modeling neuroinflammation induced by AB oligomers in cultured human iPSC-derived neural organoids on synthetic hydrogels
Presented at: SfN 2022
Modeling Neuroinflammation with iPSC-derived microglia cultured on Synthetic Hydrogels
Presented at: SfN 2022
Advanced synthetic biomaterials that enable microphysiological systems
Presented at: MPS World Summit 2022
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Neural Organoids Incorporating Microglia of interrogation of Neural Inflammation
Presented at: ISSCR 2022
Chemically defined substrates in a ready-to-use format that promote differentiation, accelerated maturation and neurite extension of multiple neuronal subtypes for screening applications
Presented at: ISSCR 2022
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Neural Organoids Generated on Synthetic Hydrogels for Interrogation of Neural Inflammation and Toxicity
Presented at: ISSCR 2021, SfN 2021
Chemically defined substrates in a ready to use format that promote differentiation, accelerated maturation and neurite extension of multiple neuronal subtypes for screening applications
Presented at: ISSCR 2021, SfN 2021
Chemically defined substrates in a ready-to-use format that promote adhesion, neurite extension and long-term cultures for multiple induced pluripotent-derived neural subtypes
Presented at: ISSCR 2023
Validation of a screening platform for vascular toxicities utilizing synthetic substrates
Presented at: SOT 2019
Neural Organoids
E. Aisenbrey & W.L. Murphy. Nature Reviews Materials, 2020. Synthetic alternatives to Matrigel
C. Barry, et al. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2017. Uniform neural tissue models produced on synthetic hydrogels using standard culture techniques
G. Kaushik, et al. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2018. Quantitative label-free imaging of three-dimensional vascular networks self-assembled in synthetic hydrogels
E.H. Nguyen & W.L. Murphy. Biomaterials, 2018. Customizable biomaterials as tools for advanced anti-angiogenic drug discovery
M.P. Schwartz, et al. Experimental Biology and Medicine, 2017. Uniform neural tissue models produced on synthetic hydrogels using standard culture techniques
E. H. Nguyen, et al. Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2017. Versatile synthetic alternatives to Matrigel for vascular toxicity screening and stem cell expansion
D.G. Belair, et al. Acta Biomaterialia. 2016. Human iPSC-derived endothelial cell sprouting assay in synthetic hydrogel arrays
S. Pellett, et al. Scientific Reports, 2015. Human induced pluripotent stem cell derived neuronal cells cultured on chemically-defined hydrogels for sensitive in vitro detection of botulinum neurotoxin
Synthetic Substrates
S.G. Mina, et al. Frontiers in Big Data, 2019. Assessment of drug-induced toxicity biomarkers in the brain microphysiological system (MPS) using targeted and untargeted molecular profiling
E.H. Nguyen, et al. Applied In Vitro Toxicology, 2019. Neurovascular organotypic culture models using induced pluripotent stem cells to assess adverse chemical exposure outcomes
M.P. Schwartz, et al. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2015. Human pluripotent stem cell-derived neural constructs for predictive neurotoxicity
Z. Hou, et al. Stem Cell Research and Therapy, 2013. A human pluripotent stem cell platform for assessing developmental neural toxicity screening
Iwata Y, et al. Assay Drug Dev Technol. 2017. High-content assay multiplexing for vascular toxicity screening in induced pluripotent stem cell-derived endothelial cells and human umbilical vein endothelial cells