SureCoat Pre-coated Cell Culture Plates

Early Access Now Available!

SureCoat Plates are designed for superior cell adhesion, accelerated cell maturation, enhanced cellular phenotypes, and improved assay performance.

Product Description

Stem Pharm’s SureCoat Plates are ready-to-use culture plates pre-coated with Stem Pharm’s proprietary SureCoat synthetic substrate optimized for cell adhesion. SureCoat Plates are commercial-grade standard imaging plates and are ready for cell plating immediately out of their package

The SureCoat synthetic substrate is composed of functionalized multi-armed polyethylene glycol monomers that are cross-linked and incorporate bioactive peptides to create superior adhesion and biomechanical properties.  The substrate coating is thin (~8 mm) and has an elastic modulus (80 – 100 kPa).

View the Product Brochure

SureCoat Plates save you time

Eliminates the need for tedious and error prone plate preparation

SureCoat Plates save you money

Reduces risk of failure with expensive cell cultures and assays due to poorly adhered cells and variability inherent with current coatings

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